Who we are
The Trust is a joint initiative of the ACT Government, Australian National University, our sponsors, and the greater Canberra community.
The Woodlands and Wetlands Trust was established to ensure two reserves in Canberra are managed to provide rich and diverse environments for current and future generations.
Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary and the Jerrabomberra Wetlands Nature Reserve together protect over 1800 hectares of the ACT’s most significant landscapes. These sites support the Territory’s most diverse bird habitats and the nation’s most important protected area of Yellow Box woodland, which is listed nationally as a critically endangered ecological community.
They are protected as Public Land Nature Reserves under the Territory Plan, yet there is still much work to do to understand, rebuild, and showcase their biodiversity and natural and cultural values.
Click on Get Involved above or visit each site’s website from our homepage to learn more.
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