A gift to the environment is a gift forever
Bequests enable you to do something you may not be able to do during your lifetime, and are a tangible way for you to support the Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary and Jerrabomberra Wetlands in perpetuity.
You can make a bequest to the Woodlands and Wetlands Trust in one of the following ways:
Designate the residual of your estate to the Woodlands and Wetlands Trust
Nominate the Woodlands and Wetlands Trust as a beneficiary to your insurance policy
Establish a trust fund where the interest earned is donated to the Woodlands and Wetlands Trust
Encourage direct donations to the Woodlands and Wetlands Trust at your funeral service
Allocate a specific amount of money, items or property to the Woodlands and Wetlands Trust
Simply include the following wording in your Will:
“I, bequeath. $…………………… to the Woodlands and Wetlands Trust (ABN 98 781 662 491) to be used for (Mulligans Flat) or (Jerrabomberra Wetlands).
I declare that the receipt from the Woodlands and Wetlands Trust shall be a full discharge to my Executors for the said bequest, the bequest being free from probate and estate duties.”
By doing this you can ensure your contribution goes into conserving and restoring this critically endangered ecosystem within the Nation’s Capital.
We welcome regular giving which will help ensure the long term sustainability of Woodlands and Wetlands Trust.
Please contact us on 0428 224 904 if you are interested in making regular donations via direct debit.