Meet the team on the ground
Dr Jason Cummings
Jason has 10+ years of experience as CEO of not-for-profit conservation organisations in Canberra including the Woodlands and Wetlands Trust and Greening Australia. In 2017 he completed a Churchill Fellowship, exploring leading practices in nature interpretation and visitor facilities in the UK. He now shares his experience in projects across Canberra.
Andrew O’Meara Operations Manager
Andrew started as a volunteer with the Woodlands and Wetlands Trust in 2017, before joining the office team as an Outreach Officer. Since joining the team, he has been supported in finishing his MBA and has become a qualified snake catcher. He has grown and established the outreach programs at Mulligans Mulligans Flat and the Wildbark Visitor Centre, leading a dynamic team of young professionals.
Brian Bettong
ACT Mammal Emblem runner-up
Brian was hired in 2015 to be the Night Shift Manager following his return to mainland Australia. He is a skilled ecosystem engineer with a strong work ethic and enjoys fine cuisine, especially truffles.